Monday, January 26, 2009

The Storm

This story was very interesting. I thought that it was going to be about a storm, as I'm sure many others did. Well, there was a storm, but I don't think that was what the story was about. Calixta seemed so worried about her husband and son when it began to rain, so I was very surprised when Calixta ended up igniting an old flame while her family was stuck somewhere else. At first I thought that Calixta was not going to do anything with Alcee, but I was wrong. The way the two of them just returned to their lives like nothing had happened was crazy. Calixta began to cook for her family as she most likely did regularly and Alcee thought about his wife and babies. It seemed very scandelous, if either one of them would've seemed to feel any kind of guilt it might not have been so bad.

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