Friday, February 6, 2009

The Lottery

The title of the story had given me a different idea of what this story was going to be about,even though I had read about the author and the context. When I think lottery I think of winning cash or great prizes, not being stoned by all of the winners. It gives a whole new meaning to winners and losers. Reading this story the other day when it was below zero the beginning gave me the feeling of warmth since the setting was a warm summer day which we look forward too on such cold winter days. The village seemed peaceful and friendly and being very careful of that black box. I wonder what kind of song they sing as the official song of the lottery. Now hear comes some sick humor " everybody wants to get stone" I thought would be the theme song.
Mrs Graves has the sense that time sure does go fast "seems like we got through with the last One last week"(408) I know the feeling about time just a flying the older one gets the faster time flies. And time changes most things like population of cites and migration of people in and mostly out of the rural settings of our times.
In this lottery I would hope to be one of the ones with out the spot on the paper, I just don't think I would like to have people throwing stones at me.

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