Thursday, February 5, 2009

"The Lottery"

This story " the lottery" was a kind of ritual or tradition performed by some people who lived in a small village on the 27th of June each year. In the begening of the story some kids were running into the twon square gathering stones and stuffing them in their pocket. Later the women and their husbands from evry household came and gathered in the twon square, even some of the women were still wearing their apron. At this point i realizes how important the villagers considered this lottery ritual, it like every one of them was present except the person was in a very critical condition. After a while one Mr Summers brought a stool and a black box which contained the lottery papers for them to commence the drawing, before he started, he began calling out some names to be sure of every one's present and what i realized is that, the villagers considered this particular man very important and commanded lots of respect. I enjoyed the story to a certain point because i thought the winner was going to receive a special award not knowing those stones were gathered for whoever wins the lottery. After taking a deep thought about this story, i began to think that, the black box, the stones and the drawing papers symbolizes lack of freedom, imprisonment and bondage. This is because the black spot on the winning paper was made by Mr Summers which shows that he automatically orders the stoning, the black box represents their freedom being caged and the stones were the weapons. They were actually slaves to their own tradition and this brings in mind one primitive ritual which is common in Africa female genital mutilation which is claiming lots of innocent lives, but in the name of tradition some people are still holding on to this barbaric tradition and have actually becomes prisoners of this evil act.

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