Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Doe Season"

After class discussion on this story I gained a better idea of what this story was really about. I saw this story as a journey for Andy from childhood into adulthood/adolescence. I believe that Andy's character changed significantly. When they first set off for the the woods she was just a nine year old, but when she came out she was much more. " 'So ---nine. What's the difference? She'll just add to the noise and get tired besides' " (Kaplan 457). Andy, in the beginning of the story, is innocent and is like a good luck charm to her dad. " ' And she'll bring good luck, you'll see.' " (Kaplan 457). This brings out the youth traits in Andy, she is still following her dad. It's towards the middle of the story that Andy starts to change. "It trembled, still straining to keep its head high, as if that alone would save it; failing, it collapsed, shuddered, and lay still" (Kaplan 465). This was the point of no return. Andy had now taken a life, and you cannot return from that. At that instant she had grown up, whether or not she was ready, it happened. " But that wasn't her name, she would no longer be called that" (Kaplan 467). This was the final barrier to cross. She no longer wished to be Andy. With killing the deer it made her realize that wasn't the person she wanted to be. From now on she was going to be known as Andrea. She has made the jump into her beginning years of female adolescense.

-Jason Brown-

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