Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"A Rose for Emily"

" A Rose for Emily" is a story with many twist and turns that really are very disturbing. When I think of poor Emily, I see a girl who has no self confidence, has never been able to make her own decisions, and is so mentally undeveloped. The story was overall pretty interesting, however not suprising since we read this in high school.
In the story emily never really grips the death of her family and once her true love Homer Baron wants to leave her she is unwilling to let him leave. She goes to the local pharmacy buys arsenic and kills Homer with the poison. Emily goes on with her regular life like nothing has happened even so much as to pretend their still "happy". The towns people start to smell awful odors coming from the house and try to confront her about the smell, she wont say a word and tells them to go away.
the story is a sad story, and i can still see some simularities today. People with always have a hard time coming to grips with loss, however they do deal with it in better ways than her. I think emily's problems are a direct correlation from the way she was brought up and I feel sorry for her.


Chanda said...

I can't say that i feel any pity for Emily, her losses early in her life were of normal life expierences. Everyone has family that dies, it hurts and it hurt her but she still was connected to reality- soulfly intact. If she was some how underdevloped i don't think emily and homer would have connected so well because he was of sound mind. I also in some demented way understand how she kept his corpse around its because she loved him so much that she wanted him around. It is a more screwed up version of someone keeping they're parents ashes in a vase, on mantle in there living room. People sometimes need that to move on or not to forget.

Justin Lundblad said...

i cant believe you think its more normal to keep a rotting corpse around then your parents ashes, very wierd