Thursday, April 2, 2009

Flood Fight '09

When I first heard the news on the flood I did not realize how serious it was. I live in a part of south Fargo that is greatly affected by the flood threat, which makes this whole situation very scary and stressful. I went to bed the night before the big flood fight began, not knowing what I would wake up to the next day. When I woke up the next morning and looked out my window I saw tons of buses sitting in front of my home, dropping of hundreds of volunteers and semi load after semi load of sand and sandbags driving past. I was too young to remember the 1997 flood, so it was an absolute shock to see this operation first hand. I spent the next week making sandbags, tossing sandbags and walking the dike overnight to make sure that the pumps were still working and the leaks were under control. My family also had to clear everything out of our home and into a moving truck for time being. Not knowing the outcome of the situation and hearing more and more bad news everyday, such as the crest rising, made for one of the most stressful weeks i've ever gone through. I am happy to say that so far we won the battle and will continue to monitor the river level and dike until the flood is over.

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