Thursday, April 2, 2009

Flood 2009

When I first heard about the flood I was almost in denial. There was no way that I thought the FM area would flood like it did. Until one day, I woke up and saw army tucks blocking all the roads to get to my house. I live one street up from the river in south moorhead so I then began to panic. The next day there was a code red alert for our area. That means we had to move everything from our basement upstairs, pack a bag and get out! Once the national guard came knocking on our door we then had five minutes to grab our stuff and immediately leave. Then I started freaking out. I sat in my basement hoping and praying that this would not be the last time I see it without water in it. I can't believe this disaster happened to everyone in the area. It's amazing to see everyone come together as a community and help. I pray for all of those that were and are being affected by this evil flood.

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