Friday, March 27, 2009

The Flood

When I first heard about the flood coming and the predictions i wasn't too worried about it. I figured that it would just be little and there would be no need to worry. I started reading the papers and watching the news and saw some of the footage of the flood and how bad it really was. The papers were mentioning evacuation and i was mostly just concerned about the people who were close to the river. I feel such sincerity for them i wish there was more that we could do. I have great respect for those people who have been sandbagging consistantly!! This takes much effort. I didn't begin to worry until i heard that the dam may not hold up, which means the water could reach all the way to west acres shopping center!! I can't believe this is happening again its a reoccurance of 1997 but only WORSE!! How could this be?? I pray that these families who are suffering from the flood are able to be safe and get help and i pray that things don't get as bad as they are predicting. I am thankful to God that our home has not been affected. I hope people remember to be safe and considerate to others by offering help to those who need it.

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