Thursday, March 13, 2008

Revision of blog A

At first when I started to read this novel I figured some how it wouldn't be so modern I mean not that I think the nineteen nineties is modern but it was not that long ago. The first thing I found interesting in the novel was the relationship between Amir and Baba, The fact that baba was this strapping manly man with a quaint poet son for a writer and their inner battles to relate and create a relationship very familiar. Ive seen situations like this growing up with some of my male friends their fathers wanting them to be football playing ESPN watching types but instead they were more into skating and the Dead Kennedy's, they each too had mutual love and respect but found it very hard to find common ground and acceptance.They big difference with them and Baba and Amir's relationship is that Baba blames Amir for the death of his love and return Amir accepts this blame which is completely twisted no innocent newborn can be blamed for his mothers death. "And maybe, just maybe, I would finally be pardoned for killing my mother."(pg56). That statement is like he's saying sorry for his mother who made the choice to have a child and loved while he grew inside I pretty sure any true mother would give her life for her child even she had no choice. One part of the story that I find funny is when the boys find out John Wayne is not Iranian and didn't speak Farsi, "Hassan and I were stunned, Dazed. John Wayne didn't really speak Farsi and he wasn't Iranian! He was American, just like the friendly, long haired men and women we always saw hanging around Kabul, dressed in their tattered, brightly colored shirts". Thats also funny they have hippies.

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