Thursday, February 11, 2010


Tradition means a lot to people, however, breaking tradition could mean even more. "The Lottery" had a very unique and cruel tradition, but still a tradition. Although the American culture would not stand for this in today's day and age, the individuals in "The Lottery" had grown up with this, it was the norm. For someone to stand up against a tradition like the lottery held every year would require someone potentially risking their own life. This is the reason that I think no one has stood up to this act.
When I think of some traditions that are cruel today I immediately thing about the bull fighting that goes on in Mexico. This is a fairly cruel act in many American's eyes, but is a great Mexican tradition. It is so much apart of their culture I rarely even think about anyone standing up to it. For Mexico to lose this tradition would just be awkward. Traditions have embedded themselves in our cultures and I don't think there is a clear answer on how to justify them.

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