Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Buck Season?

In the original version of "Doe Season" Andy is thinking about her mother at home washing dishes. "She is there, and we are here: the thought satisfied Andy" (512). It seems like Andy would much rather be with the guys hunting than be at home with her mother doing "womanly" chores. This gives the impression that Andy may have an internal struggle with gender.
If Andy were a boy in "Doe Season," the story could go one of two ways. Andy would still have an issue with gender identity either way, but Kaplan could have written the story in a way that would have made Andy want to be around his mother more and afraid of the forest. For instance, perhaps Andy would have been swimming in the ocean with his mom, and had a vision of his naked father in the forest. This version would indicate his comfort with femininity, his desire to be a woman, and his fear of masculinity.
Another way Kaplan could have written the story if Andy had been a boy would be almost the same storyline. Andy would be more attracted to the idea of the ocean and being around his mother, but still afraid to go swimming with her in the ocean. his father and the other guys many have pushed him to go hunting with them due to the false idea that doing "manly" things will cure a boy of such femininity. however, he is dragged along against his wishes, and he fears the forest as well. It is not beautiful to him like it is to Andrea. This version would indicate his desire to be a woman along with his fear of actually being one, and his lack of desire to be a man.

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